MoneyGo Affiliate Program
Become a MoneyGo affiliate and start earning by attracting new users

How it works
Register with MoneyGo to get a unique referral link in your account
Invite your friends by sending them your referral link, or by posting it on social media or your website
Your friends can register and start making transactions with MoneyGo
You'll earn 10% of MoneyGo's revenue from deposits made by each of the friends you refer
why choose us
Ongoing revenue
You'll earn a percentage from every transaction made by the users you refer; not just their first
Instant payouts
You'll earn commission in your MoneyGo wallet as soon as one of your referrals makes a transaction
Insightful statistics
In your account, you can see how many users you've referred, how many are active, and how much you've earned
Withdraw funds whenever you like
There's no need to wait until the end of the month. You can withdraw your commission at any time, provided that it's over the minimum withdrawal limit for your region
Perfect for
Who want to earn additional income
Who have their own traffic sources and want to monetize them
Who wants to earn money online